Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dr Maurice Pisciottano - Benefits of using pro-adjusters

The pro-adjuster technology uses a mechanical motion therapy to treat spinal disorders using advanced software that does a spinal analysis to detect problems and also help in the treatment of the detected problems by exerting pressure on the affected areas. Listed below are some of the benefits of using this machine.

1.      Effective problem identification and analysis.
This machine enables a clear analysis of the spinal and identifies areas affected or with disorder. The spinal cord is represented graphically on the monitor and so one can see exactly where the problem is.

2.      The treatment is really fast and effective. 
This machine has brought about a faster way to treat spinal disorders and related health complications. Its dependable effectiveness increases patient’s confidence.

3.       Friendly treatment
The treatment involves physical therapy which is friendly to anyone avoiding the hectic use of oral medicine and painful injections. It also becomes suitable even for people with allergies due to chemical reactions.

4.      It involves a very gentle therapy in the spinal.
This has saved people from the painful surgeries that used to be done to treat the spine. It is just a physical therapy that is more like an electric massage which is comfortable for the patient and the practitioner.

 This technology is one of the most perfect discoveries made today and has very little disadvantages as Dr Moe Pisciottano cites. They include:

·         The high cost of setting it up as it can be very expensive to buy the machine.

·         The machine also requires expertise to operate which may need a practitioner to go for training to enable proper and effective use of the machine.

The fact that it is painless helps the patient to anticipate their treatment and are not scared of their next visit to chiropractor as stated in the Grow With Dr Moe program.

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