Thursday, June 16, 2016

Dr Maurice Pisciottano : Grounds under which a report is necessary and how it should be done

Chiropractors deal with all sorts of problem that affect the spine and joints and the causes of such problems are diverse where some involve violence which necessitates legal actions, as explained in the Grow with Dr Moe program.
Grounds under which a report is necessary

Dr. Moe Pisciottano explains the reasons for writing a report of findings and among the reasons is accountability. This ensures that the author of the report must indicate from where they started or picked up from to the point they dismissed the patient. A report becomes important and necessary on the following grounds:
·         In case of negligence during treatment and a patient wishes to file a case. The lawyer in charge will require the report.

·         Where the problems are as result of violence, the police will require the report before the victim can write a statement to report the incident.

·         If the injuries were caused by an accident and other treatments are required. The doctor taking over from the chiropractor will require the report for them to know from where to start treatment.

The following are the contents that must be included in the report

1. Authorized report author
This refers to the person in charge of the treatment in this case the chiropractor. Also indicate what you specialize in e.g the mechanical motion therapy or the traditional treatment.

2. Details of the patient in question
These are the personal details of the affected patient that include the names, date of birth, residence and their identification if adults or guardians identification details if its a child.

3. Details of when the incident occurred
This refers to the time the incident requiring the report happened. If for example it was an accident, it should indicate when the accident happened.

4. Reason for writing that report
This answers the why question for the report.
A well written report can save your life as a chiropractor in case you are sued, advises Dr. Maurice Pisciottano.


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