Friday, July 8, 2016

Dr Maurice Pisciottano : The evolution and impact of the proadjuster machine

Mechanical Motion Therapy is a new treatment method that chiropractors are using today due to its high efficiency. The use of the Pro Adjuster machine is becoming a common trend in all chiropractic businesses. Due to this, there is a need to understand the evolution and impact it has to both chiropractors and potential patients to understand how it benefited both the society and business. We will look at some basic information about this machine.

Its discovery

This machine was a discovery of Dr Maurice Pisciottano where he aimed to change the way chiropractors provided services to patients so that there would quality and accountability. This would be enabled through high competition where each chiropractor will have to work harder in all aspects of service provision to ensure that they are better than their rival chiropractors.

Chiropractic evolution after discovery

After the discovery of the machine, there was a great evolution in the chiropractic business. Earlier, all chiropractors had adopted the insurance billing system where they charged a standard fee to all patients. This was good for them then because they were assured of payments by customers. However, this also limited their liberty in the use of their money as they had to wait for some time before their money was processed. Motion treatment opened a way for chiropractors to go back to cash practice which increased the liberty of their money.

Advancing the technology

Due to the high level of competition, chiropractors are working hard to maintain or exceed quality standards. This has therefore enabled more research and increased technology exploration in the chiropractic field. More advanced technologies are being discovered everyday as chiropractors become experts.

Research and use of advanced the technology systems by Elite Adjusters have impacted the chiropractic business through increased business growth leading to more profits.

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