Monday, July 18, 2016

Dr Moe Pisciottano : Poor financial strategies to avoid in chiropractics

The success of any business is based on the plan layout of the financial strategies by the business owner. Take for instance, Dr Maurice Pisciottano, it was only after he had made good and ideal financial decisions his chiropractic career begun to advance. He attributes his sudden upsurge in his coaching company Grow With Dr Moe to the financial plans he has been making. Unfortunately most of the chiropractors continue to perform poorly as they are not willing to change the poor habits they have been using. Here are some of those poor strategies.

·         Poor bookkeeping 

Some of the Mechanical Motion Therapy clinics today are operating with poor or no book keeping at all. Perhaps this is due to ignorance by the owners of the impact that book keeping has on the performance of business. This means that such businesses are not in a position to tell whether the business is making a profit or loss in the operation. Before they know it, the business has already incurred many losses. 

·         Lack of consistency in saving

Saving remains to be brilliant idea for any person who wishes to develop business successfully. It is even better if the saving is done consistently and without failing. In a short while, the amount of money that has already accumulated is incredible. This is the strategy that will ensure that you do not have cases of embezzlement of funds as such. 

·         Lack of insurance cover

An insurance cover is a powerful weapon for any business in case of a pestilence. We all know that accidents are unpredictable just as death. Hence, it is always wise to have your business insured by an authentic insurance company. This ensures that in case of theft, fire or fraudulent cases by thieves, the insurance cover caters for all the risks. You do not have to use the business's funds to cater for the losses.
These are some of the poor strategies that Dr Moe Pisciottano has been finding really dangerous. 

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