Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dr Moe Pisciottano : Types of new patient forms in a chiropractic business

The processes of being treated in all hospitals tend to have records of all patients coming in. It is mostly important to have these to make a good reference in future. It also helps the doctor to have enough information about the activities happening in and around the hospital or clinic. Chiropractors like Dr Moe Pisciottano have made a good record keeping system to ensure its reliable. Let's look at a number of forms a new patient could be subjected to when they come for a chiropractic procedure:

Registration form

Taking a patient's record creates confidence and the first recording taking is through registration. In this modern technology, it is more effective to develop electronic registration forms in which the patient's details are input and sent to a database. This saves time and cost as well as increasing convenience.

Consultation form 

After a patient has been successfully registered, they are now ready to start the treatment process. Consultation is the medical activity where a chiropractor asks the patient about their ailments. It is meant to gather information about the patient. The use of a consultation form makes information collection easier.

Consent of treatment form

Medical services are very sensitive and therefore it is in the medical professional ethics to give the doctor permission to start the treatment. In mechanical motion therapy, since it is a new technology, it is advisable to explain to the patient how it works and let them consent the treatment. The reason why it is so important for the patient to agree to the treatment is in-case of a complication that may arise after the treatment.
It is very important for the chiropractor to have records of all the persons they treat. Dr Maurice Pisciottano ensured a reliable system that may be used to date. That's what being accountable is about.


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